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Diverse Learning Environments



Below are goals that our teachers work on with the infants:

  • Use adult support to calm self

  • Uses trusted adult as a secure base from which to explore the world

  • Moves to explore immediate environment

  • Reaches, grasps, releases objects

  • Responds to simple verbal requests accompanied by gestures/tone of voice

  • Babbles strings of single consonant sounds and combines sounds

  • Plays near or with other peers

  • Balances while exploring immediate environment

  • Reacts to a problem and seeks to achieve a goal

  • Making connections with adults and peers





Below are goals that our teachers work on with our toddlers:

  • Use adult support to calm self

  • Comfort self by seeking out special object or person

  • Experiments with different ways of moving

  • Follows simple requests not accompanied by gestures

  • Names familiar people, animals, and objects

  •  Observes and explores things in the environment

  • Joins in Rhyming songs and games

  • Verbally counts 

  • Listens to songs/books about how living things grow and change

  • Responds to emotional cues and responds to emotional expressions



Below are goals that our teachers work on with the pre-school children:

  • Accepts re-direction from adults

  • Demonstrates confidence in meeting own needs

  • Sustains balance during simple movement experiences

  • Notices and discriminates rhyme

  • Applies phonic concepts and knowledge of word structure to text

  • Verbally counts to 10, counts up to five objects accurately, using number name for each object

  • Uses scientific inquiry

  • Makes comparisons and classifies objects

  • Demonstrates knowledge about self

  • Responds to emotional cues

  • Makes friends

  • Observes and imitates how other people solve problems; asks for solutions and uses it


Below are goals that our teachers work on with the pre-kindergarten children:

  • Manage Feelings and able to look at a situation differently or delay gratification

  • Manage classroom rules, routines, and transitions with occasional reminders

  • Moves purposefully from place to place with control

  • Use an expanding expressive vocabulary

  • Plans and pursues a variety of challenging skills

  • Pretends to read, using some of the language from text; describes actions across pages

  • Verbally counts to 20; counts 10-20 objects accurately; tells what number (1-10) comes next in order by counting

  • Identifies problems, makes predictions, thinks of ways to solve problems and tries possible solutions

  • Shows awareness of life in different environments

  • Uses refined wrist and finger movements; holds drawing and writing tools by using a three-point finger grip

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